



Application Case Studies

Real world Environmental sound & vibration case studies

Studying the Highway

The customer uses a Prosig system and a custom triaxial accelerometer to study tarmac surfaces. As a car moves over a road it causes a ripple in the road surface. DATS is used to derive displacement from the measured accelerations.

Underground Noise Study

The customer needed to check whether noise & vibration from an underground train would cause a nuisance in a proposed housing block. A measuring system based on a triaxial accelerometer and a Prosig P8000 to capture was used.

Tools for vibration & acoustic measurement



DATS software


Download Your Free Handbook

Please use the button below to download your copy of Prosig’s  ever-popular Noise & Vibration Measurement Handbook. This is the new 7th Edition and it is packed with even more articles, case studies, tutorials and how-to’s on every aspect of noise & vibration measurement from sensors to analysis and reporting.


Noise & Vibration Handbook 10.37 MB

Noise & Vibration Measurement Handbook

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