Test & Measurement
Ultra-portable, mobile and laboratory based acoustic test & vibration measurement systems
Hardware & Software for acoustic & vibration mesurement
Prosig’s DATS noise & vibration measurement systems are compact, rugged & extremely accurate. The tough casing and low power requirements make them ideal for mobile, in-vehicle or laboratory data acquisition. Systems start at 4-channelsand can be stacked to expand to over 1000 channels.
The DATS software includes the world leading worksheet visual programming tools, data capture utilities, report generation and a huge range of analysis algorithms.
DATS includes tools for a wide range of mobile & lab based testing scenarios…
- automotive tests
- structural testing
- vehicle refinement
- rotating machinery analysis
- modal analysis
- end-of-line testing
- NVH testing
- vibration testing
- time domain analysis
- vibration measurement hammer impact testing
- acoustic testing
- human response to vibration
- component analysis
- ODS studies
- digital filtering
- resonance testing
- structural animation
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As one customer put it "I can thoroughly recommend the Prosig equipment as being reliable and trustworthy" or as another said, Prosig systems are "supremely reliable and just do not fail"
With 24-bit precision, state-of-the-art signal conditioning, proven architecture and proprietary Prosync synchronisation your noise & vibration measurement is guaranteed to be precise & repeatable every time.
From the large range of measurement options on the hardware to the many hundreds of analysis functions, a DATS systems offers the ultimate in flexibility. A genuine multi-purpose tool for every occasion.

Download Your Free Handbook
Please use the button below to download your copy of Prosig’s ever-popular Noise & Vibration Measurement Handbook. This is the new 7th Edition and it is packed with even more articles, case studies, tutorials and how-to’s on every aspect of noise & vibration measurement from sensors to analysis and reporting.

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